MO-09 Brock Olivo “I had a Social Studies Class” part 2!

Remember Brock Olivo the football jock turned Republican pol who said he was qualified because “he had a social studies class.”

Well at last night’s Republican primary debate we found out what he learned in social studies class.

Asked by the debate moderator which founding father he most admired and why, he chose…drumrolll please……

Abraham Lincoln!

See video on this Kos diary here:…

And if that wasn’t all, another leading Republican contender picked Ronald Reagan as their favorite founding father.

Meanwhile Judy Baker on the Democratic side of the MO-09 congressional race lead all House candidates in the nation in ActBlue fundraising last week and Steve Gaw finished in the top ten.

Fun times in the MO-09.

One thought on “MO-09 Brock Olivo “I had a Social Studies Class” part 2!”

  1. I can possibly excuse Mr. Olivo’s response.  Maybe he prepared a response for “Who is your favorite president and why?”, and he rattled off Lincoln, and then suddenly realized “sh**!” when the next two candidates said Washington and Washington/Jefferson.  But Ms. Moore’s response is inexcusable.  Two people JUST BEFORE YOU cited Washington and Jefferson.  If that wasn’t enough to clue you in, assuming that you have competent hearing, then you aren’t sufficiently aware of people around you enough be qualified to serve as a representative.  And even if you heard Lincoln, and didn’t know what “Founding Fathers” meant, you should still have guessed someone more important to American history than Reagan. *

    Now, the other sad part is that I heard no reaction from the audience in the course of that.

    (* Now, if you’re going to tell me that Reagan was most important to American history, among him, Kennedy, the two Roosevelts, Lincoln, Jackson, Jefferson, Washington, Adams, Hamilton, etc., then I really have a problem with you.)

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